Photoshop Assignment

Here are the images that I created for the tutorial. I don’t really have a lot of pictures so I ended up just using my rat’s picture. (I also had to use an older copy of photoshop I had already on my computer because the new one has been acting up for me, so sorry that I couldn’t follow instructions perfectly. I had to make changes in what I did to get the same results.)

The Topic Of This Blog: Animal Rescue

The topic of this blog is my future aspiration, one that I share with my wife. We both want to create an animal rescue together. Although I am currently in line for a degree in Advertising, I am planning on getting a minor in business and plan to use my degree to help earn money that we can use to create this animal rescue, while my wife plans on getting a degree in pre-vet, before going to vet school. We chose this path because of our love of all different kinds of animals, a love that makes us want to help take care and rehabilitate animals, along with provide education for people about how to properly interact with those animals.

We plan to obtain video, audio, and other media materials through interacting with the various different kinds of animal shelters and rescues in Eastern Washington and Idaho. We already are fairly active with various different animal groups and surely can find some rescues, shelters, etc, that would be willing to allow us to take pictures and video, and possibly interview them.

As for ideas on the future projects, I already have a few tentative ones. For the first project, I could possibly put together a poster advertising local shelters and or animal welfare events. For the audio project, I could try to interview the heads of local and nearby animal shelters/animal stores/rescue groups. Lastly, for the video project, I could put together a video advertising a local shelter or rescue, possibly tying it to an event if something is going on soon after or before the project is due.

Lastly, for my inspiration file, I don’t have one yet. Thus, these next links are essentially going to be links I found quickly that seem to fit in well enough to my topic but aren’t entirely thought out perfectly.

  1.  VetRanch – This is a series of videos showing veterinarians taking care of injured and sick animals. With my wife going into veterinary school herself, we plan on providing care like this to rescued animals.
  2.  Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary – A sanctuary for old dogs that uses the internet, mainly facebook, to help support their cause by using people’s love of cute animals to bring attention.
  3. Commander Holly – A youtuber who rescues pigeons. She essentially takes care of an animal that most wouldn’t care to think about. She has adopted over 40 birds since she started, giving them a home.