Audio Project Final

My project is based around the idea of “Adopt, don’t buy” pets. It’s simply just a quick story about a cat that I met at an animal shelter that I used to volunteer at. This of course, fits in with my theme of “Animal Rescue”. Rescue a shelter animal instead of passing it over for a new kitten from the petstore.

This project is, sadly, the worst one i’ve produced. Based on the fact that I had to essentially put it together in 1/5th the normal amount of time, along with the fact that my microphone broke early on and I had to get a new wire for it, just to have no quiet place in my home to record, as the heater that is run by the apartment owners is very loud and I couldn’t turn it off to record. I didn’t get to do nearly as much as I could have done with it, and missed some submissions too because of personal reasons. I originally planned on adding more sounds/using them better, but I had to make due with what I had. I had originally planned on having my post be 2 minutes in length, but as it goes, after editing my audio down it was only about one minute, and I didn’t have time to add more to the story as I would have liked, thus it feels very rushed. I am honestly not satisfied at all with this, but it is what it is.

I essentially recorded myself doing multiple takes on lines in my story and cut them together the best I could in the little amount of time I had. I also had recorded sounds from the animal shelter here, but sadly only dogs barking can be heard. I didn’t want to just use my voice and music, so I ended up using it anyway early on in the audio but cut it out very quickly. The song that I chose is by Otis Mcdonald, and it is free to use in any way, as he has a lot of free to use music. I essentially had to rush pick a song, so it’s not the best pick, but it was the best I could find in a short amount of time. Overall, i’m not too happy about this project but sometimes you’ve just got to make something.